Thursday, May 7, 2009

CSA 2009 Week 1

The new year of the CSA began today. Not a huge batch since it's still early in Spring, but I'm happy to have some ramps and sorrell. And fresh rhubarb! The in-laws are in town for the weekend, so A. is planning on making something with the sunchokes, spinach, and rhubarb. I'll make some soup with the sorrell, and I don't have a plan for the ramps yet.

I went pretty simple for the first meal from this delivery--fried up some chicken breasts and roasted the the parsnips with some of the burdock. The chives, along with some scallions, sherry, vinegar and cream made a sauce that went over everything. The parsnips had a great sweetness, and despite the rather ugly appearance of the cooked burdock, it had a nice texture, not too woody.

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